DATE: 26.01.2012
author: purpcentcour
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How to add cursors on Tumblr « Free Cursors 4U, Tumblr Cursor.And that my friends is how you add our cursors on Tumblr! One other thing, animated cursors do not load on Firefox or any other browser other than IE.
TumblrFollow the world's creators.. Here is an olde comick from when I lived at home. It was an interesting time in my life; being there invited a lot of fraught self.
Where to put cursor code (TUMBLR)? - Yahoo!7 AnswersBest Answer: <style>body, a, a:hover {cursor: url( ), progress;} </style> ADD CURSOR LINK IN THE BLANK SPACE AND PASTE IT IN THE ADVANCED MENU IN THE.
Free Cursors 4U, Tumblr Cursor, Download, Mouse PointerAlso I'll see if I can get a new way to add in cursors for tumblr, since it seems people can't follow instructions. Atleast the one's that say it don't work, when it does....
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How to add cursors on Tumblr « Free Cursors 4U, Tumblr Cursor.
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